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Why Freud was So Obsessed with Only Theory for Psychological Disorders!!

Freud and Psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud was definitely a father of science of Psychology in so many way. He introduced the concept of Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Therapy. He maintained the need of continuous Counseling Session as a necessity for the well-being of people suffering from different mental ailments. His influence and contribution for the Subject of Psychology can never be lowered down.

Though it is also a reality that Freud was too much of a man who tried to give attention and awareness to people that MIND has its own Miseries! But here I would like to share my outward analysis as I am humble student of Philosophy and Psychology as well. I am not convinced with Freud’s association of all human Mind’s Problems with Sex Drive!

Nobody in the world can deny the strong influence of "Sex Drive" and it is really one of the Strongest “Basic Instinct”. But it is not according to the theory of Freud that all feeling and drive that can make anyone crazy, and nobody ever dies of lack of presence of Physical Pleasure in LIFE! So it is a desire and an Instinct that can controlled and channelized into the origination of Great Artistic and Literary Masterpieces. Yeah! People suffer from so much miseries and pains, and even choose wrong ways to get the flavor and pleasure of sex.

But if you say like “Sigmund Freud” that all kinds of EMOTIONS are secondary like the Love of Parents and Offspring. Even the true bonding between siblings and friends, and it is really important to know that there exists so many human feelings, thoughts, ideas and emotions that are PURE and not longed for Physical Intimacy!

Even if you leave the worldly relationships and emotional bonding between human beings then what about DIVINE LOVE? It exists in this world and there are so many Mystics who left all worldly Pleasures and Leisure, to reach on a new level of Spiritual Path. So you need to know that a want to love of God Almighty, and the desire to win the Paradise or Heaven in Afterlife. So many people in History and at Present Moment have sacrificed everything, and it is a Great Reality of LIFE!!


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