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New Army Chief of Pakistan – A Legacy of General Raheel Sharif Will Continue?

General Raheel Sharif
 With a whole drastic changes heaping in Pakistan and the whole region. India continuously violating Line of Control over Kashmir. Killing innocent Kashmir People in its Occupied Jammu & Kashmir on in Azad Kashmir. Now it is under the extremist BJP government headed by Narindra Modi – A Known butcher and genocide mastermind of “Gujrat Massacre of Indian Muslims in 2001”. He wants to kill each Muslim in India. Now wants a warfare withPakistan on the go ahead signals of its fathering countries USA, Israel and UK.

Now the point of discussion comes with a matter as our Brave and Beloved General Raheel Sharif is going to be retired on 29th November, 2016. Now after long chaos and speculations “General Qamar Bajawa” has been all of sudden appointed as the new Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan. Well, nation couldn’t afford to have a change of Army Chief at the moment and it would have been an extension of Mr Raheel Sharif. He fought like lion at fronts in tribal area against terrorism mongered and backed by Indian RAW, Moosaad, CIA, MI6 and Iranian intelligence Agencies.

COAS General Qamar Bajwa
The battle against terrorism was not only spread in FATA Area but in whole country. Balochistan is on a verge of loss when Raheel Sharif took hold. He made all efforts to put peace on Balochistan and to change the mind-set of locals which was prepaid by India, Iran, UAE, USA, Israel, Britain, Russia ad who not there. Now the #CPEC has been launched and credit goes of Ex-Army Chief Raheel Sharif. Ranger Operation in Karachi which was almost secluded and under the hands of MQM goons sponsored by Indian and RAW again.

Lots of peace in the three problematic provinces like Sindh, Balochistan and KPK. South Punjab has been cleared of lots of terrorist resorts. ALHMDULILLAH things are on a move/ But our traitor rulers like Nawaz Sharif and his allies are as usual on a ruin with Imran Khan, PPP, Fazl ur Rehman and others playing as their masters in UK or USA ask them for. Whether it is Panama Papers Leaks or the strange, foreign funded but foolish dharnas it is all going to work against Pakistan. Keeping people away from even thought of fighting “Jihaad” with mad Indians.

Now it is time for new Army Chief Mr Bajwa to not just keep the level of “General Raheel Sharif” but to move it further. To give s shut up call to Indian Forces and NarindraModi. Then there is a need to give a strong shut up call to all leaders who are making fuss in Pakistan to divert and divide attention.

Nawaz Sharif government must be given a proper outspoken statement to stay away from its buddy India and Modi otherwise him and his traitor allies must be hanged with a single day trial and in open public. It’s time to keep ourselves on firm grounds of Islam, prepare for Jihaad and to be ready for bigger battle that we are destined with "Ghazwa e Hind". In Sha ALLAH…!!


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