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Syrian Genocide and Muslim Silence - Are We Lambs?

Syrians Against Assad
The contextual difference that western media narrations have given us about the long time civil war that was going on in Syria for almost 6 years, at peak! We hardly had news of what was the reason of immediate upraise of the general public and how brutally "Bashaar ul Assad" killed his own nation. Nobody really bothered as Arabs were silent as lambs of west. The fight was initially introduced as a sectarian difference that was supported from one side by Saudi Arabia along with USA and NATO. On the other hand it was Iran, Russia and forces that were fighting to create their own political hegemony on the Arab region.

The threshold of genocide and victimization by Bashaar's Army was not to convert the whole population into "Shia Muslims". As almost 98% of population was "Sunni Muslims". Actually people wanted to have freedom from long dictatorship as Arab Spring started from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and then Syria. Here the problem was the infleuce to work for the foreign agenda that CIA, Moosaad, MI6 and other agencies wanted to pursue. Syria is a land about which all religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism believes on. 

If we have a look at the prophecies of Hazrat Muhammab (SAWW), the Last prophet then the arrival of Antichrist, the wars before his arrival and the emergence of Hazrat Issa A.S (Jesus Christ) would be done from lands of Syria. The tragedy of the whole situation is that Arabs and on the whole Muslims have forgotten the prophecies and Jews as well as Christians follow it to full extent. That is why western nations including USA, UK & Israel have so much interest in creating chaos and destruction at the same place from where end times will be highly emphasized. 
Idlib- Use of Chlorine Gas on Civilians 
It is time for Muslims to waken up and read the end time prophecies and they will understand why young innocent kids are brutally killed along with their elders. Why Bashar ul Assad force along with Iranian Pasdaran and Russian forces are brutally killing all men, gang rapes of Muslims Syrian women in front of their families and now the use of Chemical Weapons in Idlib. What is there next to wait and watch. I can listen only the voice of Turkish President in this whole chaos. Turkey is trying hard to evacuate Syrian refugees, and the settle them in border area. Rest of Arab World is not only silent but in fact enjoying. Here the foreign policy of Pakistan is pathetic and must be reviewed if not planned properly. 

To be continued....


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