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India has No Stance over Kashmir and must be Declared a Terrorist State!

Pakistan and India Conflict
Getting straight to the point where there are hundreds of thousands of Muslim in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are being killed with pallet guns. Even small kids are left with no mercy by brutal Indian forces deployed in Kashmir. You see Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir issue has been on United Nation’s agenda for almost ‘70 years’ and the longest dispute that the organization failed to resolve. Our brother and sisters in Kashmir are facing massacres, rape, terrorist activities and all sorts of heinous crimes of India for along time. Now the new wave for freedom and voice in Occupied Kashmir has been raised after “Burhan ud Din Wani’s” (Young Kashmir Leader) Martyrdom!

The living dead people in “Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir” haven’t surrendered and call themselves a part of India. They want to have freedom and that’s the focal point. India has waged four wars with Kashmir as the basic cause. But the inside story is that Indian Hindus always hate Islam and Muslims. We have had ruled over sub-continent for more than thousand years and Muslim rulers made this land a unified piece. The smell of slavery and the hatred that is prevalent in the Hindu psyche has never been ruled out even most of Muslims rulers acted in Sub Continent, keeping minorities at the same level.

The Indian psyche whether its BJP, Congress, or other extremist organizations always want to cut the throats of each Muslim living in the land of India. You see Muslims are in great population in India, more than population of whole Pakistan. But they cannot tolerate a neighboring “Nuclear Muslim State” first of all, and then the Muslims living in India. So, whenever Indian authorities go crazy over the war phobia then first victims are Indian Born Muslims and then Kashmiris, who are also majority Muslims. Here the “Uri Sector Indian Drama” proved false to the whole world. Then Indian authorities and agencies dramatized the surgical strike over Pakistan as their highlight. There is no physical or documented proof of the act as well. Now the world is condemning India of its massive human rights violations as well as fake news to world.

The isolated Indian government under the Butcher “Narindra Moodi “(known as the massive killer during his Chief Minister tenure in State of Gujrat in 2001-02) is ridiculed by his own country’s intellectuals. Now the RSS and BJP are threatening Indian Muslims, Pakistani Actors and Singers who went there legally and worked as per their legal work permits. They were threatened to leave India if they wanted their lives. Is it the incredible, shining and secular India?
I am asking the whole world. India would have waged a war against Pakistan if its isolation and false allegations have not been exposed. Still both countries have their forces reed Alert over Kashmir LOC and Pakistan and India common border. Why the world is not taking a notice to solve Kashmir Issue, and then give a shut up call to India to stop behaving like lunatic trying to rule over Pakistan and whole world. 


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