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Showing posts from February, 2015

Miracles Only Happen for Satisfied Souls!!

Miracles and Satisfied Souls Life is all about turning points that might lead you to the ladder of success upright, and even cause a failure. But one thing that comes straight in mind is the reasons behind each glory and loss . If it is human fault then it can be mended and worked upon. On the contrary, it is a “Divine Will” or Luck then you can do nothing. I am not going to discuss the believers and non-believers mind-sets here. Both know one thing for sure that they will face Death , and that they feel pain at each loss ! SO here I am going to discuss another level of approach towards happenings in common man’s life. It is not just a matter of decisions but in fact our destiny is moving us towards certain facts and directions. So an “Enlightened Soul” will feel less pain on losing even something precious of this world, and feel more of peace than happiness at gains of this worldly life. It is so phenomenal with all mystics and Spiritually Elevated People! ...

Precious Lives that are Wasted in Wars and Hatred for Other Human Beings!

Peace of World is a Necessity We are living in a world that is full of enlightenment and chaos at the same time. It does not matter to which ideology or thought process w belong. But a sensitive person can always smell the negative things around in the world. Media is all full of provocations and sensationalism , and at the same item the bigger countries are conspiring to reach out to the natural wealth or resources at the name of “Terrorism or Peace in the World”! I am still confused with the word “Terrorism” as what is the real definition of it? If a criminal takes out a gun and shoot it at civilians then it is called an act of terrorism, and especially if it is done from a member of certain communities. But what about the State Terrorism and the facts that a country Like Unite Sates of America along with NATO Allies attack on Iraq at the so called name of finding the weapons of mass destruction! The real facts of Reality come quite later from some independent s...

The Real Terrorism is a Hidden Fear of an Enemy!

It has been such a long debate as how and why there are so many chaotic situations in the whole world . Even some intellectuals are on study of Human Psyche as what is the real mind-set that asks a leader or its followers to attack on other people. They want to kill and do all kinds of brutal acts that can’t be spilled out of my pen or keyboard . But it is far much Reality that is seen and read in History Books! Life Biggest Truth So the matter of fact is that the Evil was created as along the Goodness, and it is a test of Humanity as and when it will go in which way. Some people are tested by Nature with having guns, grenades, and all weapons in their hands, and the rest are tested as witnesses. The victims are always victims and “God Almighty” will be fair with them for sure. But I think the greatest test is the reaction of that community of human beings who can raise their voices and be united to fight against the Evil and Wars . To my surprise and in fact...

Nature Puts Us in Tests to Check Our Motivation and Optimism!

Motivation to Move On in Hard Times We as human beings are facing lots of troubles and difficulties and even at times we feel that we are the most unfortunate beings on Earth! It is not the case as people were always given new tests and trials by “God Almighty”, and the True Nature of all such happenings were to test the power and inner energy of Human Beings as if they are capable of reaching at some new milestones and discoveries. It is just too early to assume that I can give you a whole thesis of these tests and trials! But I have seen and observed one thing for sure that that is the nature of tests is quite correlated with persons who is facing. So when we read a meaningful quote that explains the reality of Divine Wisdom in Holy Quran “Nobody will be given a test that he cannot withstand” then my belief gets even stronger. The faith that we are born to face many challenges and then rejoice on accomplishing these tasks successfully . But one thing is here for sure...

Savior – A Film of Substance on Tragedy of Bosnia!!

Savior a Great Film of All Eras The world is so much confined to media exposure and art is seen and millions and billions of people. Now it is not a rare luxury for those who could afford to go to theaters, to enjoy Shakespearean Tragedies and Comedy Plays . Now the Film Media is so much influential and strong that countries invest too much into it, to propagate what they want to exhibit their National Psyche . Here are some independent and rebellious Film Makers who do not get onto bandwagon of forming typical films. When such independent films come in my way then I must recommend every individual to watch the film named “ Savior ” starring Dennis Quaid , who was a heartthrob of Hollywood films in the era of 90s. But it is not a normal cult film. It is an independent analysis of the tragedy of “Bosnia Herzegovina” that occurred right in front of us, only two decades back! Being a Common Man, I was not too much aware of what was the Crises of independence of Yugosl...

Make Life Easy with Few Goal Objective!!

Goal Objectives and Life It is of no use to keep on thinking about how much success you have gained in past one year, and how far you have traveled towards failure. It is all subject to the goal objectives that you have set for yourself. If life is not easy then try to make it with few Goals in MIND. It does not matter if you have a shortcut tail to freedom or success! But the real gains come with a slow traveling on the Path of Success , and you can do it quite easily. So to get in a situation that requires you to form firm goals and objectives is something really very difficult. It is a time when things need to be clarified that you have to form Few Goal Objectives if you really want to move on. When you make your mind dispersed in number of desires, and then keep on counting the priority list then things don’t work. You have to have a clear method of forming your top list! It happens with a passage of time that you will learn the art of finding the gem out of a garba...

Life Opens New Corridors of Success to Determined Souls!

Success for Satisfied Souls When life gives you a tough test then you have to preserve more energies and to show your personal poise to face all challenges brokenheartedly. So it is not a time to get into reverse gears and stop finding new meanings and signs for success. You need to be all set to go for motivation that will work as a fueling agent for setting new standards, and even trying to fight all hard battles. Optimism has a great power to heal the previous wounds that are imprinted on your mind and soul. When you have a clear inner self then you will find or reach to new corridors of success. Yes! The Spirituality Experts say that a clear and in fact free MIND is subject to better u nderstanding to Subconscious Mind and even for Unconscious Mind as well . It is really very important to see things in a real perspective, and to find your own strengths. It is time for you to track down your weaknesses as well! Understanding your Mental Conflicts that might cause a ...

Why India has Been Given a Nuclear Security Clearance!!

Dangers to Humanity and World Environment World is going to a distasteful method of consuming the energies of all people with a hope to go for new things around. But there is one thing that is pinching all South East Asian Countries, and that is the exemption given to India on its Nuclear Assets. Does it show the double standards of United States of America that is not eligible to go for such a drastic and big decision unless NATO Countries are not beckoning it! The aftermath of all this negligence can cause threat to millionsof people who live in this region . To be honest India is one such culprit state in the region that is an enemy of almost all its neighboring countries. First and foremost, it is in continuous battle like condition with is Western Neighbor Pakistan, and it is running proxy war on the name of terrorist training and implant camps in FATA Region of Pakistan. RAW which is the intelligence agency of India subject to all kinds of criminal activities and terr...

Dualism of Political Leaders of Pakistan!!

Political Conflicts and Real Issues of Pakistan Pakistan is facing the worst case scenario at this moment, and the whole nation is facing dilemma. Here is no proper leadership and misdirection as well as disinformation is at its peak. It is just not a matter of some years but we as a nation are facing it from last sixty eight years. We have not seen anyone alike Quied e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The political turmoil kept on going in rounds and rounds as there was no constitution of a newly born country for almost nine years. It is just another tragedy that military take overs didn't perform anything good! Here the terrorism and anti-state elements are doing their all agendas in a full manner. Now a chaotic situation is worst with the secretly funded media groups. Every channel gets on board the same evil character politicians who are experts in switching political parties. They have always been enjoying the power and luxuries in one form or the other. I ...

True Love Needs No Parameters of Expression!

True Love and Peace of Mind It might be my own perception but I like it that way, and I am convinced that true love exists right here in this world. People do fall in love for other persons and it requires no specifications. How w e define LOVE is something that needs to be discussed . Some people think that a quantity of time spent together is a parameter of true love while others believe in quality of it! How to Define Love in Different Perspectives! So it is hot debate among different races in ancient times, and a subject matter of literature in medieval age, and it is a far Complex Issue in Modern Times. We are not certain of what we really mean by loving someone. Here I am referring to ‘Romantic Love’ but I am not forgetting the importance of Love and Compassion for different blood relations, friends and for nature as well! What Kind of People Fall in Love for General Humanity and for What Reasons! People do fall in love at a broader spectrum and they...

Twice Born – A Painful Cinematic Presentation of Brutal War Crimes in Bosnia!

Twice Born - A Penelope Cruz Masterpiece Film Here I would like to tell you one important thing and that is the factor that a film if presented in a realistic way definitely touches everyone’s heart. But on the contrary if some film maker tries to manipulate the truth to adhere to his or her own philosophies or to get approval from some other sources then that film maker is doing an artistic crime in my eyes! But to say it loud and clear that “Twice Born” is an Italian film that is made multilingual to address to global audience. Here is my favorite actress “Penelope Cruz” in it. She is a great combination of beauty and brain,and her choice of moves is always awesome. Especially when she works in Italian or Spanish films. But to say that it is a film about a beautiful actress is not a justice! Twice Born is a film about Bosnia Herzegovina, and the time frame is set in the early 90s when “Yugoslavia” broke into many pieces, and every state claimed an independent statur...

Incendies-An Incredible Film on Palestine Issue

Incendies - An Oscar Nominated Real life Drama A friend of mine asked me to watch a film that is brilliant and classy but didn't get into too much of world media’s limelight. He told me that it might be due to its subject matter which is an independent, and fair presentation of Palestinian issue through the eye of a protagonist. Yes! I saw this incredible film named “ Incendies ” on a recommendation and got stuck into its story and presentation. It made me cry and keep on thinking about the sensitivity with which it was made, and how it will be in real as news form Gaza and Palestine spread around. Yes! Indeed it is a neutral opinion as the said film was produced in Canada , and it is in French language. With subtitles I saw it as I am big fan of French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese films! Incendies as I must admit is a most beautiful presentation that is so natural and no melodrama at any place! The leading actress “ Nawal Marwan ” whose real name is “Lub...

Having a Sensitive Heart is a Curse in Modern Times!!

Sensitive Heart and Motivation You might be amazed at a little strange title of my blog but I am convinced of what I have written. Let me tell you some simple reasons to think like it. Modern World is full of gadgets and changing technologies, and at the same time the luxury oriented LIFE asks us to fight a hard battle to be Prosperous and to reach at a certain Social Stature in a shortest possible way! It is really good and motivational way of thinking in a way but it has started to overcome human emotions and feelings for others. We are too busy in striving for better jobs, being at top positions, owning the best houses and cars, and to find peace in parties and vacations. But the biggest thing that we are forgetting is the distance that is automatically being created among the Human Beings! We are not ready and at most of times even able to spend quality and quantity of time with our immediate family members. We are losing an instinctive love bonding of a parent-child...

Losing a Fantasy World and Reality Bite is NOT that Cool!

Reality and Fantasy is Motivational When you are living in a time frame with a mind-set of gaining something desirable and wonderful. You are having dreams in your mind and that ones you carry in soul. But that does not mean as a written statement of having a guarantee of achieving everything you DREAM of! Human Nature is vulnerable to all kinds of desires and day dreams! But the ones with a realistic approach come into existence in an easy way. Though I can’t deny that fact that few ideas born into someone’s mind, and they keep on following a path that takes them to a fulfillment of goal objectives! If you look at the history of Sub Continent or South Asia. You will come to know that a universal post with charismatic poetry named as “Alllama Muhammad Iqbal” gave a vision of separate homeland to slave Muslims of combined India! He inculcated his philosophies and logic into the mind of a Lawyer and political leader “Muhammad Ali Jinnah”. Who persuaded his dreams even...

Hopelessness is a State of Mind not a Decisive Thought Process!

Hope and Motivation are Vital Forces Most of times we keep on giving others loads and loads of lectures about optimism and to stay all calm and positive about future outcomes. Is it something really always practical to keep on giving tips to others while we are standing on a brink of destruction and depression! Though I am a kind of person who loves to see the positive side of things and even write lots of stuff for my audience in my separate blog domain “Awakening Your Soul!”. Even I love to go for a gut feeling that makes me peaceful even with the worst case scenarios. I am feeling that it is really very important to live in Present Moment. You can find the same thought process in my current blog “Insightful Buzz” along with “Awakening Your Soul!” With due apology to all my readers that I am feeling quite low at the moment as I think it is not always practical to be hopeful. Hope is a mental state that allows us to see positive things coming to us in the days ahead....

Rear UP Your Child in a Manner to Induce Great Self Confidence!

Self Confidence Induced in Children  Parenting is not an easy job as it looks to so many people. When a BABY is born and brought up in house from hospital then it means you are responsible for a whole New LIFE, and any wrong turn will ruin not only a single personality. But here I don’t know how many people really feel this responsibility! So it is really necessary to rear up your Child in an Environment of Self Confidence and Love!   When you are standing in this Universe as a Mother or Father of a Girl or Boy then you have to stop thinking of yourself for some time. Think from the eyes and mind of your young offspring, and then you will have a paradigm shift in your nature and thinking pattern. You will love to keep on visualizing and doing things according to the requirements and comforts of your child. Nature has given such a tremendous trait that is called Parenting, and being in this cycle makes you feel as an entirely new entity . You will love to mak...

Violence and Vulgarity is Ruling the World Media!

World Media and New Norms It is not an easy topic to discuss as everybody has his or her own description of what is being called as violent or vulgar. But here nobody can deny the fact that the extreme show of blood and gore on television screens and the common definition of vulgar language and all other attributes are highly seen in the film and television media. People call it a freedom of expression but now latest researches by psychologists have proved that people are getting prone to see so much dead bodies, blood, human cries and use of weapons. They are now in a phase where they are quite indifferent to what is happening around or in the world around on the name of terrorism, wars and freedom etc. So to know more about a thing that is called brainwashing and to know about how people and especially kids are getting negative effects of it. It is an extreme sign of negative vibes caught up from the media culture that a young boy takes up a gun and shoots dozens of sc...