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The Political Chaos in Pakistan and Afghan India Situation..!!

Rising World Political Crises
It is matter of fact that Pakistan has been the most victimized and highly conspiracy place on the map of the earth. Though, we have seen so many turmoil in recent past after 9/11. The Afghan new war with USA led NATO forces. But the situation all against their whims and wishes. Then the Middle eastern worst crises that has ruined Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Gaza, Palestine and now Qatar on a verge of international politics and conspiracies. Saudi Arabia has played a very strange role in the whole situation. It is time for Pakistan's leaders and stakeholders to settle internal conflicts and focus of global scenario. 

We at Pakistan are facing an all-time dirty enemy that can go beyond any limits of humanity and lawlessness when its stakes are on high end. The vested interests of foreign agencies also accompany India. Even the Northern Alliance led government in Afghanistan and Iran as always is a spontaneous ally of India. So, here in the region we have a bliss with China as our Neighbor and long term friend and military ally. Yeah! CPEC is going to open new corridors of companionship and bonds with not only China but Russia and other Central Asia. If we see a turn in Iran’s policies over recent Trump’s bullying statements against Pakistan and the reaction of all these states then Gwadar and Economic Corridor is the case.

Russia has to take a revenge of its war failure in 70s and 80s era. It is high time for local and regional strong nations to form an alliance. With an presence of Turkey as a major factor and there is a chance our think tanks would find it a right time, to be out of America’s influence.  I guess the tables are really turning with a refusal of visit of foreign minister of Pakistan to USA, and then moving on to China and Russia trip. Pakistan has already lost so many civilian and military lives and have borne the burden of billions of dollars in this so-called war on terror.

Now it is a time for USA and Europe, to realize Pakistan as a major factor in region and be out of fool’s paradise that India can secure their interests in the region. Pakistan has to raise above its 70 years of continuous non-paid diplomatic ties with USA and NATO. Move on and accept the challenge as Afghanistan is soon going to be a new graveyard for American and NATO forces like Vietnam and Cambodia. Let them face the heel of intruding foreign lands for the sake of capturing the local resources and it is time to end up the monopoly of single super power status quo. Political leaders have you got it in your minds or need to be taught like a nursery school student


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