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Why Some People are PUT to Most Crucial Tests?

Tests and Motivation Level
Life is not always so easy for everyone and so there are no set standards as how to boost your motivation levels. Everybody has to assess by himself what is going to benefit and how to sustain will power in hard times of life. But my conclusion is very clear that some people are born to be tested with severe trails than others. It is not fallen in the category of Universal Injustice. But a facet of life that is different tuned in for each individual.

My tests and trials might be entirely different from you but that does not mean that I can stamp out that I am having a much more difficult time then a person who eats food from garbage. Yes! I saw a man filling his belly from a rotten food that was thrown out by some wedding banquet men. So, how can I test that my trail of life is far more difficult than others.

Just recently I read a news from New York that an African American charges for standing is a queue for you. If you don’t have a time to do it or you feel no stamina to stand in a long queue. That guy will stand there for you and will charge you one dollar. Isn't it ironic that people can pay another person for his poverty ridden solutions and for his unemployment? He is a same kind of Human Being like us with flesh and bones and will feel same muscular and joint pains. But he cannot quit this odd job as he has no other option!

Strange is the fact that I haven’t seen it as a headline of a human rights activist movement newsletter. It is not an only case when people are put to more tests. Today I read on Bing News that a couple died after few year of wining of lottery. They had a fight and they shot each other. What remains is a torn piece of paper which was that lottery. None of them got any benefitfrom a wining situation of material gains, and their greed didn't let them to cherish their wining moments for even a single day.

Here is what life teaches us to be more soulful and to make lesser goal objectives. We have to be precise and practical but at the same time realize that we are living in a Mortal World. So, we have to make plans that are easy to be fulfilled and try to remain in our boundaries as not to crush others in a way. Then we can live with Peace of Mind and can search our souls for greater good.


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