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Lost Minds do not Create Success Stories!

Success and Motivated Mind
This is my notion and I am stick to it that a mind preoccupied with so many things cannot create great ideas. It is at the same time very much a reality that such souls do not make big Success Stories. How does it all interconnect and how can you be satisfied with what I am saying. I have seen so many real life cases where people keep on dragging on the same course of action, all due to their inability to move on a next level of success.

It also happens that a mind so split up into depression and anxiety cannot concentrate on good opportunities that come in a way, and there loses all chances of making a fair decision that will be great going in future. It is not a mere supposition but a very much fact that most of us are facing in Real Lives. We keep on moving on a same career path due to a fear of losing a scope that every new opportunity bring in.

We are so much into straight line that we cannot try something new for the sake of inventing a very different Success Story. Though it is a Divine Rule that luck plays a supportive role when motivational factors are at peak inside a Human Soul. But all we are afraid if is fear and a regret of going on for a deal that was not meant for us. Even if we fail then it must definitely have taught us something of value. It is our perception and a way to look at things which matters the most. We are born to discover and to find many corridors of Success.

It is what Nature asks us to go on new roads of explorations with a bag pack behind our shoulders. We are not going to win every trial and every contest that LIFE offers us but we get used to it. Every new encounter with challenges gives us courage to face the world, and to move on a new series of hope and beauty that life is offering us in a course of action.

The beauty of hope and courage will reshape us in quite a new form, and we are going to fight out what is really a matter of choice out there. Each new experience gives us new paradigms of thoughts, and we get determined to see life in a far much better and mature way as if not seen before. Only if we have not opted out for the best things that might have shattered on our heads. But these keep on giving us a reason to be alive and to fight back with bigger and better force.


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