Modi & Anti Muslim Laws Arundhiti Roy in one of her interviews in 2018 to a foreign media channel openly said that India should be declared as a “Hindu Colonial State” unlike the secular and interfaith status which was set by its founders, right from its birth in 1947. She is open in her boycott of the current political system and by not accepting a killer as her prime minister. If we look at the philosophy of Rashtriya Savek Sangh (RSS), the mother organization of Bhartya Janata Party (BJP), then the whole theory and practical steps are understandable. RSS was founded during colonial rule with a vision that after independence from the British Colonial Rule, there will be a state purely dedicated to serve Hindus of elite castes. The Hindustan was expressed to be the land of their gods (devtas), and it would be cleansed from the impurities of the lower caste Hindus and of other faiths. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Adivasi castes and other commu...
A Wishful Desire to Understand the Mysteries of Life, Love and how Human Beings Play their Part on this Stage with Motivation and Peace of Mind and Soul!