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Showing posts from January, 2016

Pakistan has to Take India’s War and Anti-Muslim Threats on a Serious Note!

It is time when the world is going through a period when all nations are unifying on the basis of culture, religion, economy or other political paradigms. Here Pakistan is facing The Great Enemy like India right from its inception in 1947. To deal with Indian doctrine of wars and Hinduism was never an easy task. Two Nation Theory was formed by “ Allama Iqbal ” and “ Quaid e Azam Muhammd Ali Jinnah ” after having a closer and clear cut analysis of Hindu mentality. Then we can never forget the genocide of Muslim migrants by Hindis and their allies Sikhs in 1947 partition. The heinous face of India was clarified when it stopped all funds allocated for new State of Pakistan and its military coup over Jammu & Kashmir, Junagarh, Manadar, Hyderabad and Many Parts of East Punjab and Western Bengal which were highly Muslim populated and voted for being a part of Pakistan. Afterwards we have faced four wars and separation of East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) due to Indian intelligence...